Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Took A T-Rex To The Thames River For A Great Marketing Stunt


Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Took A T-Rex To The Thames River For A Great Marketing Stunt

While Deadpool gets the lion's share of credit for its creative, fun and clever marketing, it isn't the only property that knows how to promote a movie in a unique way. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom has done a great job with the Dinosaur Protection Group website, setting up how Claire Dearing has changed since Jurassic World and how the threat of dinosaur extinction and animal rights will be dealt with in this movie. Regardless, with dinosaurs you have to go big, so for a great stunt, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom took the marketing out of the viral realm and into the real world by bringing a T-Rex to the Thames River in London. Take a look:

I've got to say, if I were relocating dinosaurs from an exploding Isla Nublar, London probably wouldn't be my first choice -- there's way too many edible things there. This is a pretty cool stunt, and I'm sure more than a few people walking along the Thames had to do a double take when they saw a crated T-Rex floating down the river. Rexy looks great too, big, detailed and roaring as she is wont to do, letting London know who's boss. They couldn't have picked a better location for this stunt, either. The Thames River winds through London and on its banks rest many of the city's biggest tourist spots including the Houses of Parliament, the London Eye, the Globe Theatre and the Tower of London. So, this simple stunt should have been great for maximum visibility in the city.

Beyond just being cool visibility for the movie, this marketing stunt captured by the Total Film Twitter actually mimics and teases a plot point from Fallen Kingdom. We know that Claire Dearing's Dinosaur Protection Group along with Chris Pratt's Owen Grady, will be attempting to rescue the dinosaurs from an exploding Isla Nublar and part of that involves capturing the T-Rex. The trailers have shown Owen Grady with a sedated Rexy in a container for transport so one assumes that container was meant to get to a ship at some point. So this marketing stunt does a great job of teasing that plot point while drawing attention to the film.

The T-Rex won't be the only dinosaur making her presence known in this movie either. On top of the hybrid killing machine Indoraptor, Fallen Kingdom features more dinosaurs than all of the other Jurassic films combined. Needless to say, they're gonna need a bigger boat.

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom barges into theaters on June 22nd. While we need to wait a few weeks for release, some very early reactions for Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom are already in and they indicate that director J.A. Bayona may have delivered something truly special in this storied franchise. To see all of the biggest movies hitting theaters this year, check out our release schedule, and for all of the latest in dinosaur transportation and logistics, stay tuned to CinemaBlend.

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